








1. Guangtao Cao(曹广涛),† He-Xiu Xu,† Lei-Ming Zhou, Yan Deng, Yixuan Zeng, Shaohua Dong, Qing Zhang, Yangjun Li, Hui Yang,* Qinghai Song, Xinke Liu,* Ying Li, Cheng-Wei Qiu*. Infrared metasurface-enabled compact polarization nanodevices, Materials Today, published online.

2. Jian Chen,  Guangwei Hu, Guangtao Cao(曹广涛),* Yan Deng, Lei-Ming Zhou, Zhengji Wen, Hui Yang, Guanhai Li,* and Xiaoshuang Chen, Manipulating mode degeneracy for tunable spectral characteristics in multi-microcavity photonic molecules, Optics Express, 2021, 29(7): 11181-11193.

3. Zhipeng Li,† Guangtao Cao(曹广涛),† Chenhui Li, Shaohua Dong, Yan Deng, Xinke Liu, John S. Ho, and Cheng-Wei Qiu, Non-Hermitian electromagnetic metasurfaces at exceptional points, Progress In Electromagnetics Research, 2021, 171: 1-20.

4. Renlong Zhou, *Jing Peng, Sa Yang,* Dan Liu, Yingyi Xiao, and Guangtao Cao(曹广涛)*. Lifetime and nonlinearity of modulated surface plasmon for black phosphorus sensing application. Nanoscale, 2018, 10(39), 18878-18891.

5. Guangtao Cao(曹广涛), Shaohua Dong, Lei-Ming Zhou, Qing Zhang, Yan Deng, Cong Wang, Han Zhang, Yang Chen, Cheng-Wei Qiu,* and Xinke Liu,* Fano resonance in artificial photonic molecules, Advanced Optical Materials, 2020 1902153.被编辑推荐为“Hall of Frame”文章

6. Shaohua Dong, Qing Zhang,* Guangtao Cao(曹广涛), Jincheng Ni, TingShi, Shiqing Li, Jingwen Duan, Jiafu Wang, Ying Li, Shulin Sun, Lei Zhou, Guangwei Hu and Cheng-Wei Qiu* , On-chip trans-dimensional plasmonic router, Nanophotonics, 2020 20200078.

7. Guiqian Lin, Hui Yang, Yan Deng,* Dandan Wu, Xuan Zhou, Yunwen Wu, Guangtao Cao(曹广涛),* Jian Chen, Wanmei Sun, and Renlong Zhou,* Ultra-compact high-sensitivity plasmonic sensor based on Fano resonance with symmetry breaking ring cavity, Optics Express, 2019, 27(23): 33359-33368.

8. Hui Yang, Guangtao Cao(曹广涛),* Xiongjun Shang, Tong Li, Guanglin Yang and Guanhai Li,* Anisotropic metasurfaces for efficient polarization independent wavefront steering, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2019, 53(4): 045104.

9. Guangtao Cao(曹广涛), Hongjian Li,* Yan Deng, Shiping Zhan, Zhihui He and Boxun Li. Plasmon-induced transparency in a single multimode stub resonator. Optics Express, 2014, 22(21): 25215-25223.

10. Guangtao Cao(曹广涛), Hongjian Li,* Shiping Zhan, Zhihui He, Zhibo Guo, Xiuke Xu and Hui Yang. Uniform theoretical description of plasmon-induced transparency in plasmonic stub waveguide. Optics Letters, 2014, 39(2): 216-219.

11. Guangtao Cao(曹广涛), Hongjian Li,* Shiping Zhan, Haiqing Xu, Zhimin Liu, Yun Wang and Zhihui He. Formation and evolution mechanisms of plasmon-induced transparency in MDM waveguide with two stub resonators. Optics Express, 2013, 21(7): 9198-9205.

12. Yunxin Liu†, Shiping Zhan†, Guangtao Cao(曹广涛)†, Jin Li, Hui Yang, Qiong Liu, Shigang Hu, Guozhen Nie, Yongyi Gao, Xiaofeng Wu*. Theoretical design of plasmonic refractive index sensor based on the fixed band detection.IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 2019, 25(2), 4600206. .

13. Hui Yang, Guanhai Li,* Guangtao Cao(曹广涛), Zengyue Zhao, Feilong Yu, Xiaoshuang Chen and Wei Lu. Polarization-independent metalens constructed of antennas without rotational invariance. Optics Letters, 2017, 42(19): 3996-3999.