











近年来,主持湖南省科研创新项目2项,其中重点项目一项。以第一作者在在国际权威杂志ACS Nano Advanced science Biomaterials Theranostics ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces. Adv. Healthcare. Mater等上发表SCI一区论文6篇,一篇论文入选ESI高被引论文。在Springer book著有电子书一章。



[1] 湖南省研究生科研创新项目-重点项目,Nd3+敏化稀土基核壳纳米晶的可控制备、光学性能调控及应用, 项目编号:CX201903382019-2021年,项目经费:3万元。主持

[2] 湖南省研究生科研创新项目-一般项目,晶相和尺寸精确可控的稀土氟化物纳米材料的设计/性能调控及其应用, 项目编号:CX2017B223 2017-2018年,项目经费:0.5万元。主持


[1] Youbin Li, Mingyang Jiang, Zhiming Deng, Songjun Zeng*, Jianhua Hao*. Low Dose Soft X-ray Remotely Triggered Lanthanide Nanovaccine for Deep Tissue CO Gas Release and Activation of Systemic Anti-Tumor Immunoresponse. Advanced Science, 2021, 8, 2004391. SCI 一区.

[2] Youbin Li, Songjun Zeng*, Jianhua Hao*. Non-invasive optical guided tumor metastasis/vessel imaging by using lanthanide nanoprobe with enhanced down-shifting emission beyond 1500 nm. ACS Nano 2019, 13, 248-259. ESI高被引论文, SCI 一区.

[3] Youbin Li, Xiaolong Li, Zhenluan Xue, Mingyang Jiang, Songjun Zeng*, and Jianhua Hao*. Second near-infrared emissive lanthanide complex for fast renal-clearable in vivo optical bioimaging and tiny tumor detection. Biomaterials 2018169, 35-44. SCI 一区. 

[4] Youbin Li, Gongxun Bai, Songjun Zeng*, Jianhua Hao*. Theranostic carbon dots with innovative NIR-II emission for in vivo renal excreted optical imaging and photothermal therapy. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces. 201911, 4737-4744. 被选为期刊封面论文, SCI 一区. 

[5] Youbin Li, Mingyang Jiang, Zhenluan Xue, Songjun Zeng*. 808 nm light triggered lanthanide nanoprobes with enhanced down-shifting emission beyond 1500 nm for imaging-guided resection surgery of tumor and vascular visualization. Theranostics 2020, 4, 6875-6885. SCI 一区.

[6] Youbin Li, Xiaolong Li, Zhenluan Xue, Mingyang Jiang, Songjun Zeng*, and Jianhua Hao*, M2+ doping induced simultaneous phase/size control and remarkable enhanced upconversion luminescence of NaLnF4 probes for optical-guided tiny tumor diagnosis. Adv. Healthcare. Mater. 2017, 6, 1601231. SCI 一区.


[1] Youbin Li, Songjun Zeng*, and Jianhua Hao*. Lanthanide-Based Upconversion Nanoparticles for Bioimaging Applications. F.G. Wu (ed.), Fluorescent Materials for Cell Imaging, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-5062-1_6. Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2020.